So you are searching for ways to lose a few pounds or get in shape, here is what you need to know. Body sculpting is a type of treatment that eliminates fat cells from the body. It can reduce the size of many areas of the body. The treatment can help patients achieve sculpted, toned body form, and size. It is a surgical tactic that can alter your shape, size, contour, and general silhouette. Some of the procedures include body contouring, EMsculpt, and Coolscupting.
EMsculpt is a non-invasive procedure, and it can burn fat and build muscle at the same time. The treatment can also isolate the muscles, unlike exercise, to help you lose weight and tone muscles.
CoolSculpting is a treatment that uses controlled cooling to freeze subcutaneous fat, thereby breaking down the fat cells. Subcutaneous fat is the pinchable layer of fat directly under the skin . The patient must have enough subcutaneous tissue in the area of concern, so that the tissue can effectively be pulled into a vacuum suctioned applicator for treatment. The treatment does not involve any needles, anesthesia and is non invasive.
Before you go forward with anybody sculpting treatment, it is helpful to know what preparation is needed before and after the treatments. Below are tips to guide you to a successful outcome.
Before the Procedure
1) The ideal candidate
Each patient must consult with a specialist to determine if the treatment is a fit for his/her physique and weight. There body-sculpting treatment available for almost everyone. However, there are limits for some procedures and treatments.
With EMscult, it is usually recommended to patients who are active and have only a few problem areas. With Coolsculpting, the patient must have enough fat to be suctioned into the attachments.
If you are not sure you are the ideal candidate, do an internet search on best body sculpting treatment, body contouring Fort Lauderdale and body contouring Palm Beach Gardens. They will be able to educate you on the procedures and treatments available and answer questions you might have.
2) Discuss the number needed and who will perform them.
Consult your healthcare provider concerning the number of treatments needed for your desired results. Since most procedures are non-invasive, they can be performed by a healthcare provider. Most healthcare providers are supervised by a physician.
3) Documenting your experience
Make notes about your experience with a review or a blog. The experience can be an inspiration to you and others. Your blog or review should include measurements, photos and your state of mind before and after the procedure. Whether you are fulfilling a long-term goal or you are trying to look good for the summer, this experience should be one you will not soon forget.
4) Have pain medication available.
With any type of treatment or procedure, you can experience pain. It is best to be prepared for any side effects before the treatment. For chronic pain, get in touch with your respective doctor, they will recommend a suitable treatment based on your conditions.
Many patients found that Spank or very tight clothing after the surgery can be comforting. Gather these items well in advance. Before you take any medications or use compression, check with a physician.
5) Be productive during downtime
If you have scheduled treatments for more than one area, bring your laptop or a notebook so that you can capture your experience there. Some procedures last for a half-hour while there are others which are a bit time consuming. There will be a time in between where you can document your experience.
6) What to do the day before surgery?
-The day before the treatment, drink at least two liters of water.
-Do not eat two hours before treatment.
-Remove any lotion from your skin before the treatment.
-Shave any body hair near and in the area to be treated.
-Do not drink caffeine or alcohol a day before the treatment.
AFTER The Procedure
The very first step of recovery actually occurs before the surgery. So you need to understand how to acquire the absolute most out of recovery and be assured that you will be making progress. Recovery for the majority of patients takes just a few days and with some procedures, it may take longer.
7) Post-treatment massage
After certain procedures, a post-treatment massage is performed. The massage consists of circular motions and vigorous kneeling. This is to help the body to continually breakdown the fat cells. It is estimated that this massage can improve results by 60% or more.
8) Be attentive to your body
Side effects are expected after most procedures. You may experience swelling, itching and some pain. If you are concerned with any of the side effects, contact your doctor. Be aware that side effects can vary in certain areas. The stomach area, for instance, tends to have the most discomfort with pain, tingling and numbness. The back, love handles and thighs have little or no side effects.
9) Document your experience by taking photos
The results will take time so document your progress by taking photos and updating your blog or review. The photos of the targeted areas can give you some idea of your progress. You can also compare the photos as you heal to show before and after results.
10) Wait patiently for the results.
You will see changes in your body as early as two weeks, and full results can be realized in one month to three months. The most visible results will appear after two months. Your body will continue to excrete fat cells for up to three to six months after the procedures.
11) Long-term results will depend on you
Your future behavior will determine how well the procedure works for you. If you follow the guidelines below, your chance of losing weight and staying will improve greatly.
- Maintain a healthy diet. Avoid fried foods, processed foods and high in sugar and starch content foods.
- Eat vegetables, protein, whole grains and fruits. Developing a healthy eating habit can help you mentally and physically.
- Stay active. Regular exercises help the body to heal faster, burn fat, and it allows you to accelerate and enhance your results. If you do not have a regular exercise regimen, you should develop a regimen. If you already have a routine, you should continue it, but try to push yourself to do more if you can.
- Consider additional treatments. If the first treatment is successful and you do not need a follow-up treatment, you should consider adding a treatment to other areas if possible.