You want your body to retain a youthful and healthy appearance, so why not consider undergoing a body contouring treatment? Sometimes following a proper diet and exercise regimen is not enough to maintain your desired shape, especially following major weight loss. When you are living with excess skin, cellulite, or a sharp difference in your skin’s tone and elasticity, a non-invasive cosmetic procedure may be helpful.
A body contouring treatment is helpful for returning various parts of the body to a visibly desirable state. Common areas that respond well to the cosmetic procedure include the following:
- Tummy
- Lower body
- Arms
- Inner leg
Surgical procedures can be avoided, as noninvasive procedures do provide many clients with excellent results. Good candidates to undergo contouring are healthy adults with a stable weight, persons committed to following a healthy lifestyle, and nonsmokers.
Comparing Procedures
Traditional surgical procedures may result in an increased risk of scarring, infection, or discomfort during the healing process. Noninvasive procedures such as body contouring treatments can be conducted over multiple sessions in short bursts, so you don’t have to stay under general anesthetics for hours. If there is a specific area that you wish to treat with contouring, it is easier to get results with little pain or downtime.
Invasive surgical body contouring procedures may take as much as 10 hours to complete, and the healing process can last around a year and a half. The amount of treatment needed with sculpting the body depends on a person’s physique and desired results. A single noninvasive session may be enough to remove up to 25% of body fat from a targeted region.
Undergoing three to five sessions may be necessary over a two-month period to reduce and remove pockets of fat. Sculpting is much more economical than traditional surgery and faster. An average session lasts between thirty minutes to an hour. You will notice a difference in your skin’s condition and musculature within six months, as your body acclimates to the alterations. Unlike surgery which requires being knocked out with anesthetics, you can do work or take a nap during a relaxing body sculpting procedure.
Before committing to a noninvasive sculpting procedure, it is vital to first consult your physician. If there are any concerns like allergies, following aftercare procedures, or adhering to a specific diet or exercise requirement, these factors may impact the specific treatment options available. It is recommended to continue exercising and eat healthy to maintain the results of the contouring procedure. Everyone’s body is different and results may vary.
One benefit of noninvasive procedures is that they don’t require a patient to have a specific BMI, or that your body has to have reduced weight or toning beforehand. Also, patients who undergo contouring do not experience pain for lengthy periods during or following the procedure. There may be mild discomfort during the first procedure, but this soon passes as your body gets used to the treatment. Noninvasive sculpting procedures do not carry the risk of infection or scarring like traditional methods.
Noninvasive procedures are ideal for removing the subcutaneous fat from the body. Right over the muscles of the body, subcutaneous fat is present, which is soft and pinchable. If a client has a large amount of visceral fat that they wish to remove, which lies deep within the muscles, it may require extensive exercise to reduce first.
Clients should be aware that sculpting treatments are not a shortcut to a desirable, toned body. Exercise and a healthy diet provide optimal results for the body’s appearance and help increase the benefits of undergoing sculpting treatments.
Benefits Of Coolsculpting
Most people live with some stubborn fat on their body that won’t go away, despite regularly exercising and eating healthy foods. Coolsculpting, also known as cryolipolysis, is a noninvasive procedure that freezes and reduces fat. When fat cells are frozen and die, the body naturally expels them from your body, reducing the fat in a targeted area within two to six months. Ideally, Coolsculpting works best for patients who are at their ideal body weight but desire to target and reduce fat in specific areas of their body.
Coolsculpting is a painless, outpatient medical procedure that has been cleared by the FDA to treat visible fat. Coolsculpting is useful for contouring the areas under the chin, around the jawline, thighs, abdomen, under the buttocks, and back. Coolsculpting is not a weight loss treatment, but it improves the quality of the skin, muscle tone and overall appearance. Clients undergoing Coolsculpting may feel sensations like tingling, stinging, or cramping at the site of treatment which soon subsides.
Benefits Of EMSCULPT
Clients who enjoy visiting a New Radiance Cosmetic Center may be interested in EMSCULPT. When you choose an emsculpt procedure, you are selecting one of the most advanced noninvasive nonsurgical procedures to tighten skin and lift the tissues. With emsculpt, you both tone your muscles and reduce unwanted fat to get the body you desire. After losing a significant amount of fat that leaves behind loose, saggy skin, an emsculpt treatment will rescue your body’s appearance.
Before concerning yourself about the emsculpt cost or scheduling availability, you will want to undergo a consultation. You will be amazed by the quality of customer service at New Radiance’s Fort Lauderdale location, when you make an appointment to visit the location at 3201 N Federal Highway, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33306. Following a contouring procedure with emsculpt at a New Radiance center, you may want to undergo an Exilis Ultra treatment to further sculpt and tone the body of your dreams.
Staying committed to regularly exercising and eating healthy is the best thing for your body. When you have hit a wall with your body’s appearance because of age, weight loss, and lifestyle changes, undergoing a noninvasive contouring treatment can restore your body’s formative glory. Tone your skin, reduce troublesome, stubborn fat, and enjoy living in your body with confidence.